Course Directors: Prof Dr Özgür DEREN, Prof Dr Recep HAS
Course Venue: İstanbul TMOK Olimpiyatevi Turgut Atakol Conference Hall, Ataköy, Bakırköy, İstanbul
Day 1, 3rd of May, 2025, Saturday, ISTANBUL |
07:30-08:20 Registration 08:20-08:30 ISUOG and Membership Benefits, Dr Gihad CHALOUHI 08:30-08:40 Course Opening, General Overview of the Course, Prof Dr Özgür DEREN, Prof Dr Recep HAS |
SESSION 1: Advanced Fetal Echocardiography Chairs: Prof. Dr. Özgür DEREN, Prof. Dr. Recep HAS 08:40-08:55 1.1. Fetal Echocardiography: Indications and Content Prof. Dr. Rıza MADAZLI Fetal Echocardiography Indications Epidemiology of Congenital Heart Disease 08:55- 09:15 1.2. Techniques/Modes to Perform a Fetal Echocardiography Dr Gihad CHALOUHI Grayscale in Fetal Cardiac Imaging Color Doppler in Fetal Cardiac Imaging Spectral Doppler in Fetal Cardiac Imaging M-Mode in Fetal Cardiac Imaging Three- and Four-Dimensional Ultrasound in Fetal Cardiac Imaging 09:15-09:45 1.3. Fetal Cardiac Morphometry, Rhythm and Function Prof. Dr. Julene CARVALHO Cardiac Anatomy Biometry in Fetal Cardiac Imaging ISUOG Guidelines for Fetal Cardiac Imaging Fetal Situs The Cardiac Chambers The Great Vessels The Three-Vessel-Trachea View The Venous System Fetal Cardiac Rhythm Fetal Cardiac Function 09:45-09:55 Discussion |
09:55-10:10 COFFEE BREAK |
SESSION 2: Septal Defects, Left and Right Congenital Heart Diseases Chairs: Prof. Dr. Dilek ŞAHİN, Prof. Dr. Gökhan YILDIRIM, Doç Dr İbrahim Polat 10:10-10:30 2.1. Septal Defects Dr Yasemin Doğan Atrial Septal Defects Ventricular Septal Defects Atrioventricular Septal Defects Double Inlet Single Ventricle 10:30-10:40 2.2. Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome, Prof. Dr. İbrahim Kalelioğlu 10:40-10:50 2.3. Bicuspid Aortic Valve, Aortic Stenosis and Critical Aortic Stenosis, Prof. Dr. Oluş APİ 10:50-11:00 2.4. Coarctation of the Aorta and Interrupted Aortic Arch, Assoc. Prof. Halil Korkut DAĞLAR 11:00-11:10 2.5. Tricuspid Regurgitation, Tricuspid Atresia, Ebstein’s Anomaly and Tricuspid Dysplasia, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cihan İNAN 11:10-11:20 2.6. Pulmonary Stenosis and Pulmonary Atresia with Intact Ventricular Septum, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mert TURĞAL 11:20-11:30 Discussion |
11:30-11:45 COFFEE BREAK |
SESSION 3: Conotruncal Anomalies Chairs: Prof Dr İnanç MENDİLCİOĞLU, Prof Dr Özlem PATA 11:45-12:05 3.1. Fallot Complex Prof Dr Cem Yaşar SANHAL Tetralogy of Fallot Absent Pulmonary Valve Syndrome Pulmonary Atresia with Ventricular Septal Defect 12:05-12:20 3.2. Transposition of Great Arteries Prof. Dr. Recep HAS D-Transposition of Great Arteries (D-TGA) Corrected Transposition of the Great Arteries (cTGA, L-TGA) 12:20-12:35 3.3. Double Outlet Right Ventricle, Doç Dr Tuğba Saraç SİVRİKOZ 12:35-12:45 3.4. Common Arterial Trunk (Truncus Arteriosus), Prof Dr Ebru ÇELİK 12:45-12:55 Discussion |
SESSION 4: Live Ultrasonography Session-1 12:55-13:25 Live Advanced Fetal Echocardiography By Prof. Dr. Julene CARVALHO |
SESSION 5: Advanced Fetal Neurosonography – 1 Chairs: Prof Dr Sermet SAĞOL, Prof Dr Ragıp Atakan AL 14:25-14:50 5.1. Fetal Neurosonography: Indications and Content Prof Dr Nikos Vrachnis CNS anatomy and development Genetic Aspects of CNS anomalies ISUOG Guidelines on sonographic examination of the Fetal CNS 14:50-15:00 5.2. First Trimester Detectable Anomalies, Dr Gihad CHALOUHI 15:00-15:10 5.3. Ventriculomegaly, Prof Dr Atıl YÜKSEL 15:10-15:30 5.4. Midline Anomalies, Prof Dr Dario PALADINI 15:30-16:10 5.5. Posterior Fossa and Cerebellar Anomalies, Prof Dr Dario PALADINI 16:10-16:20 Discussion |
16:20-16:35 COFFEE BREAK |
SESSION 6: Live Ultrasonography Session-2 16:35-17:00 Live Advanced Fetal Neurosonography Prof. Dr. Dario PALADINI |
17:00-17:30 KEYNOTE LECTURE How to consult the family in case of a Fetal Cardiac Anomaly? Prof. Dr. Julene CARVALHO |
17:30-18:00 KEYNOTE LECTURE How to consult the family in case of a Fetal CNS Anomaly? Prof. Dr. Dario PALADINI |
Day 2, 4th of May, 2025, Sunday, ISTANBUL |
08:30-08:40 Opening of Day 2 |
SESSION 7: Advanced Fetal Neurosonography – 2 Chairs: Prof Dr Zeki ŞAHİNOĞLU, Prof Dr Banu DANE 08:40-08:50 7.1. Vascular Anomalies of CNS, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Emine AYDIN 08:50-09:00 7.2. Intracranial Cystic Anomalies Prof. Dr. Cem BATUKAN 09:00-09:10 7.3. Malformation of Cortical Development, Prof. Dr. Aytül Çorbacıoğlu ESMER 09:10-09:20 7.4. Neural Tube Defects Diagnosis and In-Utero Repair Patient Selection, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Erdem FADILOĞLU 09:20-09:30 7.5. Neural Tube Defects, Repair, Techniques and Outcomes, Prof. Dr. Esra Esim BÜYÜKBAYRAK 09:30-09:40 7.6. Sacrococcygeal Teratoma, Prof. Dr. Aytaç YÜKSEL 09:40-09:50 7.7. Hypoxic-ischemic Lesions of CNS, Prof. Dr. Derya EROĞLU 09:50-10:00 7.8. Cerebral Hemorrhage, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Hakan ERENEL 10:00-10:10 7.9. Infections, Assoc. Prof. Dr.Ayşegül ÖZEL 10:10-10:20 7.10. MRI Indications in CNS anomalies, Prof Dr Oya DEMİRCİ 10:20-10:35 Discussion |
10:35-10:50 COFFEE BREAK |
SESSION 8: Vascular/Venous System Anomalies Chairs: Prof. Dr. Cenk SAYIN, Prof Dr Alev AYDIN 10:50-11:05 8.1. Aortic Arch Anomalies, Dr Murat ÇAĞAN Right Aortic Arch Double Aortic Arch Aberrant Subclavian Artery 11:05-11:30 8.2. Systemic and Pulmonary Venous Return Anomalies Prof Dr HALİL ASLAN Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava Interrupted Inferior Vena Cava Persistent Right Umbilical Vein Ductus Venosus Agenesis Anomalous Pulmonary Venous Return 11:30-11:40 Discussion |
SESSION 9: Fetal Arrhythmias Chairs: Prof Dr Rukiye Eker ÖMEROĞLU, Prof Dr Fehmi YAZICIOĞLU 11:40-11:55 9.1. Fetal Rhythm Assessment and Irregular Cardiac Rhythms Assoc. Prof. Dr. Bilge Çetinkaya DEMİR Classification of fetal arrhythmias Premature Atrial/Ventricular Beats 11:55-12:10 9.2. Fetal Bradyarrhythmias, Prof Dr Umut Dilek 12:10-12:25 9.3. Fetal Tachyarrhythmias, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Deniz Kanber AÇAR 12:25-12:35 Discussion |
SESSION 10: Fetal Cardiac Therapy Chairs: Prof. Dr. Melih Atahan GÜVEN, Prof. Dr. Mert KAZANDI 12:35-13:00 Fetal Cardiac Interventions Prof Dr Özgür DEREN Fetal aortic valvuloplasty Fetal pulmonary valvuloplasty Fetal atrial septostomy 13:00-13:10 Discussion |
SESSION 11: Complex CHDs Chairs: Prof. Dr. Gülseren YÜCESOY, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mehmet ULUDOĞAN 14:10-14:30 11.1. Genetic Aspects of Fetal Heart and CNS Anomalies, Prof Dr Yasemin ALANAY 14:30-14:40 11.2. Situs Anomalies, Heterotaxy, Prof Dr Melih Atahan GÜVEN 14:40-14:50 11.3. Fetal Cardiac Tumors, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mucize Erinç Özdemir 14:50-15:00 11.4. Cardiomyopathies and Other Myocardial Abnormalities (Aneurysm/Diverticulum), Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ebru Alıcı DAVUTOĞLU 15:00-15:15 11.5. Rare Cardiac Anomalies Assoc. Prof. Dr. Atakan TANAÇAN Ectopia Cordis Ductus Arteriosus Abnormalities Pericardial Effusion Cor Triatriatum Aortopulmonary Window Pulmonary Arterial Sling Right Pulmonary Artery to Left Atrial Fistula Arterial Tortuosity Syndrome 15:15-15:30 Discussion, Closure of The Theoretical Part of the Course |